CDC has no business getting into my personal health! They need to mind their business!

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Infuriating! Clearly follows the 1 rule for me, 1 rule for thee. I think back to January 2022, mandates going strong, and what so many of us were dealing with - testing of the unvaxed, people losing jobs, etc. Perhaps this is why, if I'm remembering the timing correctly that Wolensky was skirming around the questions re the CDC.

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The CDC wasn’t recommending mandates to any employer. But employers (including the Biden administration) were using CDC recommendations to the public as an excuse to impose them.

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Yes - and employers were hiding behind the OSHA-not-OSHA "mandate". I recall OSHA was shoring up the issue that they could impose in the future. Have not heard anything about this in ages now.

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The OSHA “temporary standard” was withdrawn January 25, 2022 amidst legal challenges.


They promised a permanent standard:

“Although OSHA is withdrawing the vaccination and testing ETS as an enforceable emergency temporary standard, the agency is not withdrawing the ETS as a proposed rule. The agency is prioritizing its resources to focus on finalizing a permanent COVID-19 Healthcare Standard.”

That “permanent” standard never materialized and never will. And what business does OSHA (Department of Labor) have proposing a “healthcare” standard anyway?

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This bears repeating. The CDC in its “guidance” for businesses, schools, or community organizations never recommended excluding the unvaccinated from any activity. They did not advocate for vaccination mandates, ever. No Federal health agency did.

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To clarify: The federal agencies that declared vaccination mandates were OSHA, under the Department of Labor; and OMB (Office of Management and Budget) which approved the requirements for federal workers and contractors. None of the “health” agencies (HHS, CDC, FDA) required or recommended that vaccination status be used to deny service, employment, or participation in any activity.

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I'm sure there were even more exemptions for CDC contractors and fellows which outnumber CDC employees.

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Thank you so much for sharing this!

Bless you!

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Merry Christmas to all of you at the firm. Thanks for all you have done in the fight against tyranny! Best of luck in 2024!!

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I wonder WHO at the CDC ended this mandate?

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90% of the fatalities in the Spanish Flu Pandemic were from bacterial pneumonia according to Doctor Fauci in 2007, and the majority of the fatalities in the COVID-19 pandemic were from bacterial pneumonia, but we had everyone get vaccinated with a COVID-19 countermeasure developed without the prerequisite knowledge of infectious dose, immunogenicity and correlates of protection to address a significant threat posed by a novel coronavirus, which is technically not bacteria. You don't have to be Einstein to see the stupidity in that.

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Many local governments and private employers said they were following “CDC guidance” when they forced vaccination on their employees and denied religious exemption requests but in fact the CDC never had any such guidance. The CDC recommended the vaccines to everyone but never recommended that anyone use coercion on others to make them do so.

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We are not cattle. We don't ask to not be injected with poison death shots.

No one tells us what to do.

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