Get rid of the 1986 act and you will see the traditional program come down. 70 plus dosages through 18 of traditional is not safe for any child.

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BINGO!! The very law that Reagan signed, under false pretenses, that Congress has NEVER followed through with in the 30+ years since it was enacted. #TheyareALLcriminals

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I just want to say thank you for your dedication and your integrity in these difficult fights! I can only hope that, should I ever need one, I’d be able to find an attorney like you wherever I am. Saying and sending prayers for you and your team!

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I'm hoping that's also true for that new ICD code which isn't actually a "diagnosis" and if they deem it one, then it's discrimination. If disparate treatment results from either, it's active discrimination.

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My understanding is that CDC may have changed their definition of vaccine on their website, but it has not changed with respect to the law? Is that correct?

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The Griner v. Biden case tried to test that. It was not successful at the lower court level. Attorneys will keep trying on appeal and in other cases.

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UPDATE: sorry, I thought I was replying in a different thread ... thus the redundancy.

I would really like to see the approach of class action lawsuits of FTC regulations being broken with the false advertisement and labeling of "vaccines". Looking at the definition of vaccine at several reputable medical dictionaries and references and - from what I'm aware - a legal definition update of what a "vaccine" is has not taken place. I understand Dr. David Martin was headed down this path, but I don't know the current status.

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Even the Supreme Court has previously dismissed listening to cases suggesting there was reasonable cause for university mandates. I believe it's well past time for the Supreme Court to update their views.

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Thank you.

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“Through their sorcery shall all nations be deceived “

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Thank you very much for covering this issue! It's an unbelievably difficult problem. Also when the under 18 year old minor doesn't want to get the new experimental injections but the other party with joint legal custody forces it on the minor and the other parent ( the courts automatically give out joint legal custody with no evidence the other party is safe to be around a child) What should the other parent do AFTER the other party deliberately makes the minor take the injections against their will and the free clinics won't listen to the minor? Also the other party using these experimental injections to abuse the minor?

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Though not exhaustive, I wrote this post to list questions parents should be asking with respect to any drug or medical treatment for their child:


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First, thank you so much for all your hard work in making people aware of all of the dangers related to vaccines.

I have two theories that I wanted to share with you, in hopes that you may know people who are able to test them.

1.The food and beverage supply and possibly the tap water are being poisoned, not just with the shift to the mRNA vaccine platforms in the proteins and Gates' Apeel product, but with the self-assembling nanotechnology that creates blood clots that was also in the COVID "vaccines"

This Maria Zee interview is one everyone should watch. The nanotechnology inside the COVID19 vaxxes do a few different things, but Dr. Ana Mihalcea shows here via electron microscopy that it is the nanotechnology that builds the rubbery blood clots which are causing all the sudden deaths. Wait, it gets much, much worse. They are putting the nanotechnology in other vaccines including flu shots, multiple IV medications, benadryl, dexamethazone, normal saline, insulin, but she is asking how it is getting into unvaccinated blood for people who are not vaccinated. I think I know how. I saw a few days ago that graphene oxide, a building block of the nanotechnology, was found in San Pellegrino bottled water. So, I'm assuming it is in many or all bottled water and beverages. I also have seen videos circulating showing that meat in the grocery stores is now magnetic. Do you remember all the clips with vaccinated people showing that keys stick to their foreheads? That was because of the magnetic nanotechnology in the vaccines. They need the magnetism in order to self-assemble once they get to body temperature and form into nanobots. I'm pretty sure it is in the food supply, and that is why the meat is magnetic and why she is seeing increasing nanotechnology fibers in both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated blood. In addition, I suspect it is in the tap water. About 7 months ago, the water in my house suddenly had a weird flavor. The same day, my dog refused to drink it, which totally freaked me out. I bought a Berkey water filter and have been pouring all water through it thankfully for this reason, but I didn't know what was wrong with it until now. Berkey's remove heavy metals, so it should remove this crap and make your water safe to drink. I will bet you this crap is in everything we ingest that the elites can control. I messaged her to see if she can test the food, beverages, and tap water under electron microscopy and I will let you know if I hear back from her. It is not paranoia when I tell you that the food and water supply are being poisoned. They are! The mRNA which weakens your immune system and organs is also in the proteins in all the grocery stores. Again, I saw an interview with Bill Gates about 7 months ago explaining that they had changed all of the animal vaccines over to the mRNA platform. There were studies coming out of China about a year ago where they were showing that the mRNA can be transferred to humans via eating the animals and that it passes through the intestines and infects your cells. The mRNA hijacks your cells and causes them to begin making the spike protein. The spike protein is a foreign protein which your body recognizes as non-self, so when your body begins manufacturing it, it travels all over your body, attaches to your organs, and then your immune system begins to attack your organs, causing autoimmune problems, organ failure, and myocarditis sudden deaths.

My encouragement to you and your readers:

Buy everything from small local organic farms and farmers markets, because that is the only way I can think of to try to protect yourselves and your families. Buy a Berkey water filtration system for your water and don't drink anything that comes in a bottle. The only way to remove the nanotechnology, so far, is to have your blood cleaned with EDTA chelation therapy. Frankly, we all need to have our blood cleaned because right now, all of us have these little bastards in us and they are stringing together rubber blood clots that blood thinners cannot dissolve. https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/discussion-of-new-research-findings?fbclid=IwAR1krJtU2CtCasi-aC9J2OCyhISDdpwVoSfiIJT7RwEb8DmZ3tm7SREwjTY

2. There is no virus. I know, it sounds crazy, but please allow me to explain.

I was trying to understand how the elites protected themselves. Like, did they keep a supply of hydroxychloroquine and dose themselves daily? They wouldn't have released something that could have made them sick. And their personalities strike me as people who wouldn't take the chance that they could get sick. Then, I learned about the isolation method that has been used for the last few decades for viruses, and that they use bovine serum which means bovine DNA would get into the isolation. They also use monkey kidney cells, which means the monkey DNA gets into the isolation. Therefore, no virus has been isolated properly for decades. I think, they changed the method in the 1960s, but don't quote me on that. - With everything that I've seen over these past 3 years, I kind of think it was a medical psy-op that caused this method to be embraced - frankly, it makes no sense, yet almost all scientists use it when isolating what we call viruses. I learned that from Dr. Robert Young. Dr. Young's theory is that no viruses exist, and that what we have been told are viruses, are plasmids. HIV, Lyme, Gulf War Syndrome - they have all been proven to have been engineered by the US Government. They were all engineered and released on the populations by the US Government via "vaccines." It's a business model! How much do you want to bet that they manipulated the changing of the isolation method and all their subordinates all the way down to their students, fell in line because they didn't want to fight authority?

What I think, is that we have something else happening. China has everyone chasing a computer model, which is just one more layer in this psychological warfare. They supposedly isolated the "virus" and released a computer model to the world, which every scientist and doctor has been using to try to treat their patients. The spike protein molecule is also analogous to venom. You can match the molecule exactly! Dr. Brian Ardis showed me that in his interviews in the Disease In Reverse docuseries. Those who did have sudden reactions to the vaccine had: anaphylaxis, blood clots, sudden cardiac deaths, which are all the reactions one would have if they were exposed to venom. The nanotechnology was on the PCR swabs, so it's more than just the venom those swabs exposed us to, and they engineered it all so the "virus" just happened to have the same symptoms as the vaccines - so the doctors and scientists could argue back and forth about it being the virus, via long-COVID, causing all the reactions that were actually being caused by the vaccines (and PCR swabs). Vaccine reactions and supposed COVID and long-COVID, all have the exact same symptoms. If the doctors are bickering about the cause, it keeps the "vaccines" going to the public. They used a test - the PCR test - that the inventor, Dr. Kary Mullis, says cannot diagnose infection. PCR tests use to say that on the inside of the box! "Not a diagnostic tool." Dr. Mullis died, supposedly from COVID19, in 2019 - just a 1-2 months before Christian Dresdin (not sure about the spelling) comes forward with the PCR test, saying this is how we are going to diagnose COVID19.

The 6ft distance rule is to keep us apart so we don't gather and begin talking about the absolute ridiculousness of almost everything that's been done by the people in charge, but I believe it is actually for the elites' protection. They engineered something that they placed on all the PCR swabs - that's how they spread it among the populations, that is contagious, but likely you have to physically touch people or be within maybe 3ft in order to catch it. We know now that the vaccines are contagious - they transfer via body fluids, respiratory exosomes, and possibly by touch. I'll bet the PCR swabs contain all the same stuff as what is inside the supposed vaccine vials - it's just a much smaller amount without the adjuvants, so the PCR swab contents are also contagious. They said to test, test, test, and people did, which spread the "virus" that isn't a virus.

I posted a video via telegram and Facebook which further explains my theories and you can see that here: https://www.facebook.com/1788567372/videos/293566113265341/ and here: https://t.me/healthfoodWEFtakeover

Finally, if you are struggling to believe that you could organize this many people and companies willing to murder billions of people, I get it. It is hard to believe or comprehend. Here is their 2015 World Economic Forum/UN/globalist convention from. Please make time to watch the first 30 minutes. You will hear that they own Western governments and intelligence agencies and you will hear the 2nd speaker, the president of Malaysia, say "we will have to kill billions of people," and that those who survive will be "stomped and starved" if they will not obey and submit to their New World Order one-world government. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1-2V3F4AQF8&fbclid=IwAR2w89m6AByXPannMrAk5vvmICoQFvDaUiS3BnAe_v1n0JfZbuiKD-QBtYs

Stay safe, my friend!


Sarah Lawton, RN, BSN, CCM



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