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Below is a reference to an article on how in the US death reporting has been distorted and manipulated. Your chart might be more meaningful and powerful if it included numbers prior to the us all being told we are in a pandemic. This could show pre-injection total mortality during the so-called pandemic, as well as after the roll-out of the injections.

Science, Public Health Policy, and The Law

Volume 2:4-22

October 12, 2020

An Institute for Pure

and Applied Knowledge (IPAK) Public Health Policy Initiative (PHPI)

COVID-19 Data Collection, Comorbidity & Federal Law: A Historical Retrospective

Henry Ealy ∗, †, Michael McEvoy ‡§, Daniel Chong , John Nowicki , Monica Sava ¶, Sandeep Gupta ∥ ∗∗ †† ‡‡

, David White , James Jordan , Daniel Simon , Paul Anderson

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