An explanation for our flawed response
A long video is linked at the bottom; worth listening to.
“The Truth is that part of knowledge in conflict with public discourse.” Prof. Desmet
Professor Mattias Desmet is a clinical psychologist at Ghent University Belgium with a Masters in Statistics. He studied the data and, by May 2020, concluded pandemic fatality rates were faulty. For example, the models estimated 50,000 people would die in Sweden with no lockdown. Sweden did not lock down—6,000 people died—13 times less than the projections. Even though the models were flawed, politicians in the United States and other European countries doubled down on the response and continued as if the models were proven. Our leaders have now doubled down on another answer for everyone—a leaky shot—ignoring its failing effectiveness; ignoring natural immunity; ignoring appropriate and well researched medical treatments; ignoring the damage and death evident in the VAERS data; ignoring the chaos created by mandates in our businesses, military, and health care systems. This willful blindness has made things demonstrably worse. All cause mortality is up dramatically in the United States over last year.
Below is a reference to an article on how in the US death reporting has been distorted and manipulated. Your chart might be more meaningful and powerful if it included numbers prior to the us all being told we are in a pandemic. This could show pre-injection total mortality during the so-called pandemic, as well as after the roll-out of the injections.
Science, Public Health Policy, and The Law
Volume 2:4-22
October 12, 2020
An Institute for Pure
and Applied Knowledge (IPAK) Public Health Policy Initiative (PHPI)
COVID-19 Data Collection, Comorbidity & Federal Law: A Historical Retrospective
Henry Ealy ∗, †, Michael McEvoy ‡§, Daniel Chong , John Nowicki , Monica Sava ¶, Sandeep Gupta ∥ ∗∗ †† ‡‡
, David White , James Jordan , Daniel Simon , Paul Anderson