Jan 25, 2023·edited Jan 25, 2023Liked by Warner Mendenhall

Looking at it now.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Warner Mendenhall

I’m really wondering what they might have done to control some people like Berenson. I’m not saying that happened here, but some of the MFM people have acted strangely. Have you read any of Elana Freedland’s work, like “Engineered Transhumanism”?

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I have not, but I am aware of the book. I need more time to read. I don't think I am going to have it this year.

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Nobody can possibly be that dense after the gargantuan number of studies irrefutably proving ivermectin’s efficacy as contrasted with the demonstrable harm from Paxlovid. And piling on to mock the vaxx-injured *and* impugning the integrity of Pierre Kory makes him one of the vilest creatures on the planet in my view.

The only explanation that makes sense to me is a ginormous check from Pfizer to shill Paxlovid. Either that or the most colossal ego in the universe and pride so astronomical, he can never admit he was wrong.

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I completely agree MAA.

I ditched that ahole when he attacked Dr. Malone on Fox.

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I realize and no excuse. But I’m thinking of Dr. Ardis saying he thought the Hirshman clots could be faked. Not rational.

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Dr. Ardis needs to read this: https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/do-the-mysterious-fibrous-clots-really

I’ve spoken to two of my local funeral homes. They indeed do exist. Note my name in the article above. I worked on this survey and my partner, Tom Haviland talks to Hirschman almost daily.

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Great work thanks.

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Good for you Laura!!! 🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️

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Bruce Lee's twitter feed is interesting. Also attacking DeSantis re the more shots, the more infection. Apparently he hasn't bothered looking at the Cleveland Clinic study. He's also covering toilet plumes and seems pretty proud of it....imho....this is where his "journalism" belongs.

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Berenson's tweet was completely out of line! Playing both sides of the fence is disintegrous. Shame on him!

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We are witnessing some of the lowest moments in human history, and we will never forget. Blessings to all the warriors out there.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Warner Mendenhall

Such depths of cruelty that some people are capable of.

Stand strong in loving defense of the victims of these bioweapons.


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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Warner Mendenhall

Thank goodness i never took the stuff but my heart goes out to those injured and the family/friends of those killed. I cannot fully comprehend their suffering (although I had some medical incident years ago which did affect my life) but I find the inhumanity of those who deny, belittle and mock the victims of these truly awful jabs totally disgusting. They are shameful human beings.

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This particular one is so insane, so infuriating. The video that Berenson was mocking is two years old. I remember seeing it then and that it was the very first one ANYONE had put out there. It can't be a case of bandwagoning, because there was no bandwagon at that time! I just can't comprehend just how disconnected from reality and vile he's become.

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Ah...so this is what Malone was referring to yesterday in his substack regarding Berenson. I unsubbed Alex months ago because of his foolish, NPC like Ukraine position.

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There's something really weird, psychotic-like about Berenson. Puke! Definitely vile. Agree unfollow & block.

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You should fucking be ashamed of yourself. There are sooo many side effects to the so called vaccine. We refer to it as the clot shot and death jab. I hope someone you know is not having reactions. Go read the real scientific evidence. The CDC, FDA are not here to help you. They are the enemy.

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The writer for Forbes is known to mock anyone that doesn’t follow the narrative.

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Interesting read comparing how the Nazi's took over the courts in comparison to similar in Australia.


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Beyond disgusting!

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Imagine the heartache and pain this woman is enduring. This story must be told, the resistance must get zero attention. You know what would be impactful? If all the vaccine injured joined together for an event. To see each other and share stories, to know they are not alone. We need to show the world this vaccine is the devil. We need to look at this devastation to human life head on! No turning away!!

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The only way this doesn't happen again is if the judicial system ACTUALLY does its job and sees to it these monsters are put behind bars for life or executed. Now are there any judges out there that haven't been compromised?

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I dispute that Bruce is a journalist. Here is what journalists do: they determine facts to the best of their ability. Here are actions steps for Bruce. 1. attempt to speak w/Ms. Desselle directly. One method is to reach out to her through her twitter thread explaining who is he is, showing proof of who he is, then saying he would like to speak to her concerning her injury. 2. send his questions to her 3. pay for the equipment for her to read his questions and give her answers which will be posted to a third party website w/o editing

Next, there are nine pages of serious adverse events listed by Pfizer about their own product thanks to a FOIA and a judge who said they didn't have 75 years to release the information! Going directly to the source and not an intermediary such as the CDC (which has been caught lying about these products), he can get busy researching.

Is there anything in this list that includes uncontrollable shaking? Pro tip Bruce-- yes!

If Bruce finds uncontrollable shaking in that list he needs to state this. If he cannot reach Ms. Desselle directly, he cannot say she is lying or telling the truth. There is no evidence to support one conclusion over another. Therefore, he may not assume she is a liar. As a journalist, he must state this side effect does exist but I was unable to confirm that Ms. Desselle has this side effect. No personal attacks, no accusations of lies. Just lay out the facts.

Bruce, if you do not act like a journalist you should remove that description of yourself.

Pfizer paid a very large fine for.... Look into it Bruce.

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