Recent controversy has arisen over dawning public awareness that the Covid shots don’t stop transmission. A link shared 100s of thousands of times is here.
But Pfizer never claimed this. It was all spin from the CDC, the President, the media, and international NGOs.
Here is a clip from the 12-11-2020 ACIP meeting. ACIP December 11 & 12, 2020 Meeting AUDIO | Immunization Practices | CDC. The original two days testimony is here.
“Do I understand correctly that because no data of asymptomatic infection was included, We don't know if the Pfizer vaccine prevents transmission. That's correct. We have no data to inform that.”
This is Pfizer’s key defense. They weren’t required to develop a product with neutralizing immunity which is what we all expect from a real vaccine. The government knew it was a rushed and ineffective product from the start.
Covid-19 was an excuse to do something else. Someday soon people will realize this whole “pandemic” was not about Covid-19 but is a military/intelligence operation to control our lives, deaths, finances, movement, energy use, environmental impact, procreation, and thoughts.
But the CDC says watch out for small turtles.
Except informally they did say it would stop transmission.
Nor was this old news from 2013 Never disclosed.. 3:30 long...Man who was in the 2013 mRNA trials says over 200K people died testing mRNA Injections. And only 5 survived the trials. In a 2013 trial of over 200,000 people testing MRNA-based medication. All of them had their hearts stop.