That was INCREDIBLE!!! Thanks for posting. Passed along and some joined in.

Also a YouTube link for anyone not able to listen to on Twitter https://youtu.be/SV0eQBSGJiw

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Woodcock, Bright, Pottinger

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They gonna talk about Rick Bright??

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Listening now...Johnson is a nice guy but he's clueless about the DoD involvement. Does he know about thr OTA contract?!?! That the fda is powerless??

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Yes, he does know about the OTA. I let him know.

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Yes but did he comprehend it? It doesn't sound like he did last night. His mfg background is similar to my own, I don't think he's not capable but not sure what other conclusions to draw.

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Awesome program with some very scary revelations.

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Thanks Warner! I hope you are well I’m on and listening!

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Right now Dr. Malone is speaking in a Twitter space. There is no charge. Thanks 

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