I am a physician and very appreciative of this forum and the attorneys bringing attention and accountability to the ineffective, intrusive, and dangerous actions of governments, schools, employers, and health systems. What may have begun with good intentions must be stopped now that we have almost two years of data and research on COVID19, not to mention what we see with our own eyes each day. It is now evident that highly vaccinated countries, states, and communities (ie Cleveland Clinic, NFL, cruise ships) are still getting ill with COVID19. The wearing of cloth masks in my child's high school did not stop COVID, strep throat, nor other nonspecific respiratory illness from sweeping through in August and September of 2021, and the CDC acknowledges that masks do not stop wildfire smoke nor influenza in the community https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/5/19-0994_article . Something is wrong when a vaccine manufacturer can claim a 95% risk reduction, but Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) is only 1%. That has to be some kind of fraud and breach of informed consent, and supports the observations of vaccine ineffectiveness. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanmic/article/PIIS2666-5247(21)00069-0/fulltext#sec1. Well intended schools and employers are afraid of legal and regulatory action against them if they don't implement what the CDC and government officials advocate, even when they know it is flawed and is not based in law. The ABP, ABFM, and ABIM issued a joint statement threatening its physicians with disciplinary action and loss of Board certification, which generally means loss of their job and being able to care for insured patients, if they continue to question the treatment protocols and vaccine effectiveness. https://www.abp.org/news/press-releases/statement-about-dissemination-covid-19-misinformation Citizens, employees, physicians, and students need legal protection to stop what is not working and the harm it is causing. Thank you!
I am a physician and very appreciative of this forum and the attorneys bringing attention and accountability to the ineffective, intrusive, and dangerous actions of governments, schools, employers, and health systems. What may have begun with good intentions must be stopped now that we have almost two years of data and research on COVID19, not to mention what we see with our own eyes each day. It is now evident that highly vaccinated countries, states, and communities (ie Cleveland Clinic, NFL, cruise ships) are still getting ill with COVID19. The wearing of cloth masks in my child's high school did not stop COVID, strep throat, nor other nonspecific respiratory illness from sweeping through in August and September of 2021, and the CDC acknowledges that masks do not stop wildfire smoke nor influenza in the community https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/5/19-0994_article . Something is wrong when a vaccine manufacturer can claim a 95% risk reduction, but Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) is only 1%. That has to be some kind of fraud and breach of informed consent, and supports the observations of vaccine ineffectiveness. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanmic/article/PIIS2666-5247(21)00069-0/fulltext#sec1. Well intended schools and employers are afraid of legal and regulatory action against them if they don't implement what the CDC and government officials advocate, even when they know it is flawed and is not based in law. The ABP, ABFM, and ABIM issued a joint statement threatening its physicians with disciplinary action and loss of Board certification, which generally means loss of their job and being able to care for insured patients, if they continue to question the treatment protocols and vaccine effectiveness. https://www.abp.org/news/press-releases/statement-about-dissemination-covid-19-misinformation Citizens, employees, physicians, and students need legal protection to stop what is not working and the harm it is causing. Thank you!