Okay Warner. If we can prove Ivermectin works, why wouldn't that make the emergency authorization use of an experimental jab null and void? You know how many people have died needlessly, possibly by the hands of our own government in conjunction with the often money grabbing healthcare system?? It's only 7:30 in the morning and you've activated me. How comfortable would you be going on Tucker Carlson?
I would be fine going on any outlet possible. We have done about 25 interviews in the last two weeks. Mainly Ohio based but also Campus Reform, Daily Caller, and CBN. For some reason CBN got interested and is doing an in depth report on the situation at Ohio University.
Where to start on all this?? Many states have an on-line consumer reports system for reporting dangerous products. Of course Medicare must have a fraud hot line. Each hospital has an ethicist likely, and at least a compliance department. It is a violation of professional conduct, not to report a violation of professional conduct.
It sounds like we need a call for mass Civil Obedience (instead of disobeying unjust policy) - who is organizing the march on Washington for medical freedom in a few days? Their speakers could out line a range of means citizens and healthcare workers have to acknowledge harms against the populace.
I am a TN resident, parent of a child in school, and a physician. The money being paid to schools and health systems to follow the government agenda that at best doesn't work and at worst harms people, rather than what works to make and keep students and people healthy, has to be some kind of crime or perpetration of fraud. Thank you for uncovering the money trail, which I have shared to shine the light on this unethical behavior and confront them with.
Hi Juliet, I am bolstered by your courage. I think many healthcare professionals are asking themselves exactly what it is we think we are preserving by not taking any and all actions available to us. The time is now.
Okay Warner. If we can prove Ivermectin works, why wouldn't that make the emergency authorization use of an experimental jab null and void? You know how many people have died needlessly, possibly by the hands of our own government in conjunction with the often money grabbing healthcare system?? It's only 7:30 in the morning and you've activated me. How comfortable would you be going on Tucker Carlson?
I would be fine going on any outlet possible. We have done about 25 interviews in the last two weeks. Mainly Ohio based but also Campus Reform, Daily Caller, and CBN. For some reason CBN got interested and is doing an in depth report on the situation at Ohio University.
Where to start on all this?? Many states have an on-line consumer reports system for reporting dangerous products. Of course Medicare must have a fraud hot line. Each hospital has an ethicist likely, and at least a compliance department. It is a violation of professional conduct, not to report a violation of professional conduct.
It sounds like we need a call for mass Civil Obedience (instead of disobeying unjust policy) - who is organizing the march on Washington for medical freedom in a few days? Their speakers could out line a range of means citizens and healthcare workers have to acknowledge harms against the populace.
I am a TN resident, parent of a child in school, and a physician. The money being paid to schools and health systems to follow the government agenda that at best doesn't work and at worst harms people, rather than what works to make and keep students and people healthy, has to be some kind of crime or perpetration of fraud. Thank you for uncovering the money trail, which I have shared to shine the light on this unethical behavior and confront them with.
Hi Juliet, I am bolstered by your courage. I think many healthcare professionals are asking themselves exactly what it is we think we are preserving by not taking any and all actions available to us. The time is now.