The mandates and/or (Presidential) EO's violate the Rehabilitation Act and when the employers follow it, it violaes TItle I, because it regards the subject as disabled, and requires an accommodation of #ClotShot and/or testing, both of which are under EUA.
The Governor Murphy EO violates ADA because it also regards the populace as disabled, and uses the prohibited acts in Title II of the ADA, 28 CFR §35.134(b) to enforce the EO and forced accommodation.
Thank you both for continuing to support our right to choose not to expose ourselves to the risks of the COVID shots. As a physician and parent, I am monitoring the spread of monkeypox, and am concerned that the same actions and arguments will be used against a monkeypox "pandemic" before long. The CDC has quietly been moving in this direction, raising the travel threat level (enhanced precautions), and we will go down exactly the same path of lockdowns, forced vaccination, masking, etc. if the people do not stand up in each of their roles and oppose it.
There are many EEOC guidance issues that are being breached by the employee mandates.
The mandates and/or (Presidential) EO's violate the Rehabilitation Act and when the employers follow it, it violaes TItle I, because it regards the subject as disabled, and requires an accommodation of #ClotShot and/or testing, both of which are under EUA.
The Governor Murphy EO violates ADA because it also regards the populace as disabled, and uses the prohibited acts in Title II of the ADA, 28 CFR §35.134(b) to enforce the EO and forced accommodation.
I'd love to talk.
The Camden Judge regarded you as disabled (non-working immune system), and used the prohibited acts listed in 42 USC 12203(b) to deny you access.
Thank you both for continuing to support our right to choose not to expose ourselves to the risks of the COVID shots. As a physician and parent, I am monitoring the spread of monkeypox, and am concerned that the same actions and arguments will be used against a monkeypox "pandemic" before long. The CDC has quietly been moving in this direction, raising the travel threat level (enhanced precautions), and we will go down exactly the same path of lockdowns, forced vaccination, masking, etc. if the people do not stand up in each of their roles and oppose it.