This Is How We Save America. Everyone needs to do this! #WWG1WGA #MAGA

Stop waiting for others to do the work. Take action. Educate yourself & others. Then take legal action as specified in the links below.

This is a take action call. The first action is to educate yourself. The second action is to educate others. Further actions are up to you as delineated below. WTP can do a LOT! Share everywhere.

Sue your representatives Professional Insurance Policy! They are all required to have a bond! No bond, no job. No insurance... no liability protection. Stop whining. Take action.


How To Deplatform DNC

Stop whining. Take action.


Amendments & Codes


GRAND JURORS [25]. It is the “duty”

of the Common Law Grand Jury to expose

all fraud and corruption whether it is in the

political or judicial realm and stop it! The

Authority of the Grand Jury is found only in the

Bill of Rights, therefore it comes from God and

not government.

Stop Whining. Take Action.

AMENDMENT V. “No person shall be held

to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous

crime, unless on a presentment or indictment

of a Grand Jury....” It is in effect a fourth branch

of government “governed” and administered

to directly by and on behalf of the American


Stop whining. Take action. Educate yourself.

Grand Jury Handbook


We the ppl have the ultimate power. Our Sheriffs work for US, not any politician and have the authority to arrest any judge, prosecutor, governor, mayor and basically ANYONE that threatens our unalienable rights. Listen 2 these powerful terms & use them…


Stop waiting for others to do the work. Take action. Educate yourself & others. Then take legal action as specified in the links above.

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The legislature and the courts seem to be slow or non-responsive to the people. How about giving them notice and then filing claims against the Surety Bonds and personal liability policies of these public officials? Claims require no jury trial and no attorney, are much faster, and will cause them to lose their bond and their job. https://bondsforthewin.com/

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This Is How We Save America. Everyone needs to do this! #WWG1WGA #MAGA

Stop waiting for others to do the work. Take action. Educate yourself & others. Then take legal action as specified in the links below.

This is a take action call. The first action is to educate yourself. The second action is to educate others. Further actions are up to you as delineated below. WTP can do a LOT! Share everywhere.

Sue your representatives Professional Insurance Policy! They are all required to have a bond! No bond, no job. No insurance... no liability protection. Stop whining. Take action.


How To Deplatform DNC

Stop whining. Take action.


Amendments & Codes


GRAND JURORS [25]. It is the “duty”

of the Common Law Grand Jury to expose

all fraud and corruption whether it is in the

political or judicial realm and stop it! The

Authority of the Grand Jury is found only in the

Bill of Rights, therefore it comes from God and

not government.

Stop Whining. Take Action.

AMENDMENT V. “No person shall be held

to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous

crime, unless on a presentment or indictment

of a Grand Jury....” It is in effect a fourth branch

of government “governed” and administered

to directly by and on behalf of the American


Stop whining. Take action. Educate yourself.

Grand Jury Handbook


We the ppl have the ultimate power. Our Sheriffs work for US, not any politician and have the authority to arrest any judge, prosecutor, governor, mayor and basically ANYONE that threatens our unalienable rights. Listen 2 these powerful terms & use them…


Stop waiting for others to do the work. Take action. Educate yourself & others. Then take legal action as specified in the links above.

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