Thank you to Attorneys Mendenhall and Berutti for filing these lawsuits and representing us against authoritarian governments, employers, and schools, and not letting them off the hook by rescinding their mandates but reserving the power to bring them back. When the State Departments of Health and Universities are still saying the COVID vaccines are safe and effective, while also using the CDC as cover, despite the mountains of evidence to the contrary, where they should at least now be neutral about safety and efficacy, there are still strong political (authoritarian) and financial (federal money with agendas attached) incentives that will cause mandates to return when the opportunity arises in the future. They are also misleading students, families, and healthcare providers who are not doing independent research, and perpetuating the harm out of ignorance. I appreciate all voices and efforts that help surface the truth and protect our health.

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Thank you so much for taking the time to share this. Appreciated the Smuckers update as well.

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Ron Berutti

If you are reading this, I just wanted you to know that here in NJ there are a lot of folks stepping up to the plate to get involved in stopping this madness.

One grass roots org we’ve started is NJStandsUp.org. We are supporting candidates far and wide and sponsoring rallies (our first one was Stop Rutgers Mandate on 5/21.

We know how busy you are are. We’d love for you to come to a rally as a guest speaker. With your expertise in law and your passion for freedom, people would receive hope and inspiration.

If we don’t hear back from you here we will reach out to your office.

Thanks for being a warrior



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