Begun in 2020, the Highland Tavern shutdown case is to be heard at the Ohio Supreme Court on January 10th, 2023 at 9am.
Begun in 2021, the Smuckers Case is to be heard at the United States 6th Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati on January 26th 2023 at 9:00am.
It takes years to get these cases to these important courts. Thank you to all those business owners and employees who fought the shutdowns and mandates for your courage. We would not get the honor to argue these constitutional issues without you.
YAY! Another win!
But I think, also, that having 'shown or demonstrated a willingness to test' as a reasonable accommodation for a religious exemption as a necessity for strengthening or winning these cases is BOGUS. Here's why...
1) Testing a healthy non-symptomatic person is both ill-advised by the CDC and, in the absence of a clinical evaluation, NOT an indication of infection NOR infectiousness. Therefore, testing is JUST another means of unethical and illegal COERCION. ( ORC 2905.12 )
2) Testing ONLY the un-jabbed, in light of the facts in (1) above, is JUST another means of unethical and illegal DISCRIMINATION. (Title 7 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Section 2000e-2)
These are the only reasonable accommodations, in the presence of a religious exemption to an injection mandate, that I can think of (please add to this list):
A) If I begin to feel sick or I am symptomatic, I will take sick leave and/or work remotely.
B) A positive antibody test.
C) Work remotely or during 'off' hours.
NOTE: The known science of natural immunity, to specific coronavirus variants developed after exposure and infection, has been and continues to be well established, long before March of 2020.
Very well done. Thank you.