Thank you for speaking out! My brother in law has been a pilot in the Air Force for 17 years. He is of high rank, and did not want to get vaccinated for many reasons, the main one being that he had pre existing melanoma, that he got (along with arthritis) after his first round of military vaccinations years ago. He fought for his unit, and tried to get an exemption, but ultimately he was forced to receive two doses or lose 17 years and full retirement. His plan was to fly commercial after that, and now he can't. His melanoma raged after his doses, and he just had a huge piece of his scalp removed last week and more surgery expected. Now they are recommending him for a med board, which he has to fight to stay in the last 3 years to receive his full retirement benefits that feed and house my sister and their 4 kids. But fight to stay in, probably being forced to get boosters? This is a crime, and a matter of National Defense. Keep speaking for those who've been silenced! We thank you!

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Jun 21, 2022·edited Jun 21, 2022

I have worked teaching and been mandated to take a COVID test every single week for two years, and they have given me the worse jobs and excluded me right and left - well, I have never gotten one positive test. And teachers who have been doubled and tripled jabbed are absent a lot of the time and with COVID … go figure

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And mainstream media is saying it is due to early retirement. We know from pilots that it is vaccine injury plain and simple. But this is something that affects everyone so they actually had to say something. Just like now there is a term SADS (sudden adult (arrhythmia) syndrome that had to be stated and used. So people are seeing the fallout but are too fearful to admit this could happen to their loved ones. Physicians are too fearful that they pushed the vax. When will this madness stop. I think the rabbit hole is so deep that most people cannot fathom this as a reality.

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Is there airlines you know of not requiring the jab. I honestly don’t want to get on a flight with a pilot that has been jabbed.

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Dang, I keep hearing about all kinds of scheduling issues and pilot shortages. Sounds like this was self-inflicted by the airlines. Maybe I should apply. I trained as a pilot many years ago, but could never get my foot in the door due to lack of hours. Now, I hear they are even doing away with the 4-yr degree requirement. #Pureblood4Life

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Wow ! This is so sad ! When are these criminals going to be arrested ?

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Thanks for keeping us updated Warner!

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My husband travels for work. Yesterday he had 3 flights canceled. Their excuses alternated between weather and crew shortage. My husband asked why the crew shortage and they said too many people retired during Covid.

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If retirements were the issue, why are we getting cancellations now? Wouldn't they schedule according to their current pilot roster? It seems like there are a lot of last minute cancellations.

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Not sure if this is appropriate but I'm sharing...https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/any-airline-which-isnt-screening

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