Mendenhall Law Group and the attorneys around Ohio—who are helping in every way they can—find it a privilege to work with the courageous people standing up. Special thanks to www.OhioStandsUp.Org which has helped so many people raise money and awareness to fight this evil. The stories are being told. The Smuckers employees’ story will be featured this week at an event hosted by Naomi Wolf, PhD on the DailyClout.IO Fighting Employer Mandated Vaccines - Smuckers Story Please join us Wednesday night 1-12-2022 at 7pm. You can register here.
Here is some of the reporting:
WTOL Channel 11, Toledo: Has anybody sued Bowling Green over their vaccine mandate?
The Columbus Dispatch: Students, employees at four Ohio colleges sue over COVID-19 policies
The Ohio Star: Ohio University Students Suing School over 'Illegal' Vaccine Mandates
The Cincinnati Enquirer: Lawsuit asks to stop University of Cincinnati COVID-19 vaccine mandate
The Ohio Press Network: EXCLUSIVE: Students file lawsuit against Univ. of Cincinnati; object to mandate police, cite abuse of power
WOIO Channel 19, Cleveland: Group of Avon Lake parents hire attorney to fight mask mandate in schools
WKYC Channel 3, Cleveland: Avon Lake schools' mask mandate could see legal challenge
But sharing the stories may get you 30 days in facebook jail as one interested person did after sharing this: Fight Employer Vaccine Mandates - Smuckers Story - (
What a strange and defamatory facebook response.
Some of your successes this past week:
A young medical student allowed to continue his medical education. A month of letter writing and calls but no lawsuit necessary.
A young doctor allowed to continue his residency. Lawsuit filed 1-3-2022. Position restored 1-4-2022. The Complaint is here. The Motion for a Restraining Order is here. The notice of exemption granted, which is very interesting reading on temporary restraining orders, is here. Judge Walter Rice, a President Carter appointee, didn’t buy the argument by Wright State and Kettering Health that: (1) after 18 months of working daily 14-hour shifts in the emergency room with (2) no evidence of patient harm and with (3) 18 months to go, this young man should be ousted for refusing a shot.
A young woman, with a medical exemption for her pregnancy, was fired in December, rehired and paid backpay. There is a related lawsuit. We are not posting a link to preserve her privacy as she was not a named plaintiff.
10s of nursing students get to continue their educations at Tri-C thanks to an intrepid brave friend of CovidLawCast.Com who asked for some advice, took it, expanded on it, and confronted Tri-C administrators. We are developing a website that should launch this week with some guidance for everyone to have tools to confront school administrators, public officials, and employers.
If you have been waiting for us to handle your matter, we thank you for your patience. Some triage happens daily. Some lawsuits and letters have moved slower than anticipated because of emergencies constantly pop-up. We are adding staff, volunteers, and capability fast to meet our goals. Please come celebrate your successes on January 22, 2022:
Everything we post is yours to share and use in any way you find helpful. Happy New Year!