We were asked to publish a link for health care workers and academics to support RFK’s nomination as Secretary of Health and Human Services. This is a reaction to Nobel prize winners opposing his nomination. Here is the link: RFK HHS Secretary Academic and Medical Provider Support Letter. Meryl Nass has provided information about the hearing this Wednesday and Thursday and how and where to attend here.
Kennedy’s leadership could increase the odds of holding hospitals and Covid-19 shot providers accountable for the millions of injuries and deaths they needlessly caused. As HHS Secretary he can support and initiate lawsuits under the False Claims Act for fraud in the clinical trials, in hospital billing, and in failure to submit VAERS reports — required of all Covid-19 shot providers.
Mendenhall law group has two unsealed cases where we would like federal input immediately. To read about them go to iambrookjackson.com, which alleges fraud in Pfizer’s clinical trial, and iamdebconrad.com which alleges fraud for failing to report thousands of vaccine injuries. We have many other sealed (non-public) cases dealing with pandemic program frauds to discuss with him as well.
Nobel prize winners are losers and not noble.. They are like getting between a dog and his food, in this case RFK jr is getting between them and their money and LIES which are with the pHARMACEUTICAL mafia, they are the ones who gave them their Nobel prizes of destruction, that was their rewards for their EVIL work.. Like the pair who won the Nobel prize for figuring out a way to make their Mrna bio weapon fool the immune system and bypass the immune system, the bodies protection.. They are all no good.. If they oppose you like they are opposing RFK jr, that is the seal of approval that he is doing something good.. If they had some shame they would show it, but they lost that a long time ago and replaced it with Titles, Status and money and looking the other way towards LIES and away from truth a long long time ago..
Thanks for the input.