Parents have described blank stares from school board members and university officials when they attempt to engage them over Covid shots, masks, and quarantining. Maybe the money the schools received is the cause.
122 billion dollars were given to schools with a requirement that, “to the greatest extent practicable,” schools follow CDC guidance. Ohio schools as a whole got $4.5 billion dollars. Ohio’s plan is here. Akron Public Schools got $148,756,844 of that. You can look up your school district here.
The CDC guidance calls for:
“Promoting vaccination” does not affect infection and spread of Covid-19. In fact, the evidence shows the vaxxed are more likely to be infected and spread Omicron.
“Universal masking” of children age 2 or older. The evidence shows masking does not work. Any parent knows how dirty their children’s masks are getting and how hard it is to keep toddlers masked. Gov. DeWine lifted Ohio’s mask mandate on June 2, 2021.
Screening testing. Why bother when everyone is getting this version. One third of tests given by Cleveland Clinic were positive for Covid in Cleveland last month. Ohio positivity rates by county are here.
Staying home when sick. Exactly.
It is not “practicable” for schools to follow CDC guidance because the guidance violates Ohio law by recommending schools discriminate between the EUA vaxxed and the unvaxxed.
It is not “practicable,” and violates the Ohio and US Constitutions, for schools to overlook the religious and conscientious objections of parents to vaxxing, masking and testing their children.
If you want a respirator that provides protection, it looks like this:
Good luck with that.
Note: If you saw the story about the 40% increase in overall death rates for working Americans 18-64, you might be interested in this video.