2021 CDC excess deaths compared to 2020 in working age people 25-65 were 89,587.
The “involving Covid” deaths in people 25-65 were 72,992 for 2020.
With injections available and mandated deaths “involving Covid” rose to 142,372 for 2021.
Provisional Mortality Data — United States, 2021 | MMWR (cdc.gov)
An aside...Kirsch has been doing some great on-the-street interviews in California. Of his small sampling, it appears that none of those interviewed were informed of v-safe. Question: was this legally required? Lawsuit potential?
Great podcast with Kathryn Huwig and Dr Laffay. Always appreciate everything you're doing!
We now have confirmation that the chemtrails over US cities contain military nanobot tech being used to visually monitor, harass, control and kill US citizen targets (via 5g microwave cancers). Easy to detect by EMF from shaken wipings from metal objects. See https://twitter.com/Dougterrapin/status/1578480997930106880?s=20&t=GWl2bA3pWhYPgYpHe8vg-Q