The virus is fear. A multiprong therapy is necessary. Use: Media, alternative and otherwise; Real Science, some of which is suppressed; Political Pressure applied in elections and by protest; Legal Action to protect peoples civil right to bodily autonomy.
Today it feels like an underground and above ground resistance to the Covid response is everywhere. Our calls in the last two weeks include: Parents from many school districts; Nurses from many hospitals exploring their legal rights and asking for help with exemptions; Doctors letting us know that they will treat patients with proven therapies such as Ivermectin, Hydroxychoroquine, Vitamins C and D, Quercetin, and Zinc; City employees, particularly firefighters and police; Federal employees and contractors; And, finally, a couple of pharma executives.
Japan Launches Official Investigation Into Millions of COVID Vaccine Deaths
Is Warner handling Air Force cases? Friend being denied assignment for not taking the shot even though he got a religious exemption.